Monday, May 10, 2010

15 inches...

I am SO VERY SORRY! I haven't written here in quite awhile. It's been a busy month or so...well, okay - that's a bit of a lie. It has been SOMEWHAT busy, but I've been off of work, so the staying up late and sleeping in late thing kicked in for awhile and my eating habits were on the fritz.

One thing I am VERY proud of is the fact that I have stuck with my boxing gym. I go at least 3x a week, sometimes 4x, and I LOVE IT. I am so glad that I was introduced to it: it has actually saved my life, I think. I have a much better view on everything, I have more energy, I feel prettier, my skin looks better....I just think it has really changed me from the outside in.

I haven't lost any more pounds, (yet), but I HAVE lost 15 inches total off my body now.

Okay - so moment of truth. It is May 10 (or something). IF I want to get to my goal of losing 100 pounds by the end of 2010, I have to lose 11 or so pounds a month from now on. that is almost 3 pounds a week. That is still VERY doable.

I'm going back to my HEALTHY and FOCUSED eating habits tomorrow.

Wish me luck - I CAN DO THIS. And I will. Today I got out a bunch of summery dresses and I thought, "MAN....I really really do want this".

Things with music are going very, very well also. I got a photo shoot done. I will attach a few pics.

Thanks for reading and following. Don't give up on me yet!!!

xo - andrea


  1. Love the pictures! I will continue to follow you as I continue on my journey too. I am still on WW and have found that if I follow these three things, then I will lose weight each week. 1. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. (I fill up a 2 liter jug and drink it all day.) 2. Eat within my points value which translates to roughly 1550 calories a day. 3. Exercise daily. So simple so easy, but it took so long to wrap my head and body around the plan. It was week 11 before I really commited to my new healthy life. Good luck and keep it up!

  2. Good luck, know you can do it and you can

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  3. How's it all coming ... no update in some time and I'm curious!!
