Thursday, July 29, 2010

I'm in the 200's - NEVER TO BE OVER 300 pounds again!!!!

Hey Everyone!

The last couple of months that I've been MIA have been a whirlwind of life and activity and wonderfulness. It is quite amazing how life can change in ONE instant. Last year, those instants were terrible, devastating, and heartbreaking. The INSTANT my dad died, the MOMENT my mom passed away....they were life-changing forever.

Then, this year - something WONDERFUL happened to me, and his name is Norm! In an instant, I met someone who changed my life for the good FOREVER. He is my true soulmate and I found that HOME feeling I've been missing for so long!

Life can change in an instant.

Okay - so I'm sure my TITLE for this post grabbed your attention!! YES!!! TODAY I WAS 299.8 on the scale! NEVER TO BE OVER 300 AGAIN!

Norm is on a similar journey to mine towards health. He has tattooed on his arm "HONOUR THE BLESSING OF LIFE". That in itself sums it up. Why do we put our bodies through such abuse just for the taste of chocolate or cookies or ice cream? Treats are okay in moderation, but I'm talking about the "PIGGY" that comes out of some of us so often. Why do we do this to ourselves and then wonder how the heck we got sick? Why we have no energy? Why we can't keep up to our nephews, nieces, children? Why our jeans don't fit? It's why we have to spend money on new clothes, medicine, and other things that we otherwise wouldn't have had to.

Not that buying new clothes isn't fun, might I add! lol

I'm just so excited to finally be under 300 pounds. I've officially lost 17.2 pounds from when I started. I'm not as far along as I thought I'd be on my 2-pounds-per-week since January goal, but at least I'm losing, and I'm very focused.

One thing Norm and I are finding very helpful is a list we wrote and put on the wall. It's a list of all the reasons we want to lose weight. Things, having energy, to keep up to my nephews, to fit into plane seats, not feeling like I'm going to break fold-up or camping chairs, to wear the clothes in my closet from the last time I was at 240 pounds, to be excited to meet new people and see old friends and not wonder if they're thinking about my weight...there are SO MANY REASONS to be at a healthy weight!

I'm excited that I'm finally re-focused and on my way to being a better, healthier, happier Andrea.

Thanks for reading with me - I know I've been a bit slow, but I'm back on! I'll do my BEST to write weekly now! I definitely won't let another 2-3 months go by without writing to all of you! Norm kept saying, "When are you going to write on your blog?" and I replied each time, "When I'm in the 200's". And NOW I AM!!!!!

xoxox - andrea


  1. That is so exciting!! I have lost 18 lbs since beginning my journey with you in February. Someweeks I lose nothing and others I gain a bit. It is slow going, but the journey is still the best. We are on our way to being happier and healthier! Congratulations on finding Norm! Mine is named Brian :) We are on our weight loss journey together also. It really helps to have support from someone you love so much. Looking forward to hearing more from you.

  2. YOU GO GIRL!!! I love and miss you. I need to see you SOON. I'm thinking of a road trip to come and see you at the end of the summer/early September?? What do you think?? AND your music is beautiful.

