Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Jeans, Water, Kickboxing, Music!

I have to admit...I feel good. I have had SO much support in the last few days since posting my initial blog that I am on a natural high!

I have 4 things I want to share tonight.

1. Jeans

I wore jeans for the FIRST TIME today in about...wow....I don't know...a few months! They have been too tight for too long and today I wore them! And they felt good! (I could actually breathe). I love that feeling. Can't wait til my "skinny jeans" fit in about 70 lbs from now haha.

2. Water

I bought a glass jug (rather than plastic...many plastics have harsh chemicals in them and therefore soak into your water and you drink the chemicals into your system) from a water place, and it has a really great spout on it, etc. They purify not only reverse osmosis water, but also alkaline. Apparently, the alkaline in the water balances your body's natural pH levels, so your body doesn't get acidic. Many people with diseases (such as cancer), have very acidic pH balances. So...if this is one more added thing that can get me to a healthier state, I'm game.

AND IT TASTES SOOO PURE AND DELICIOUS! And, after the initial cost of buying a water jug and stand (less than $100), it is only $4 to fill up the 11.5L jug. That is the same, or less, than the yucky water I usually bought at the grocery store.

3. Kickboxing

I've realized that working out gives me such a high. I never really felt it to this extent before...well, maybe I did, but I have just FORGOTTEN what it was like!!!....but after kickboxing last night, I just felt like I could take on the WORLD.

I SWEAR the instructor was mad at someone cause he worked us til there was nothing left in any of us. It felt awesome, though. I was still sore yesterday in class from FRIDAY'S class, and yesterday was Monday. I have a feeling, as long as I keep pushing myself, I'm going to be sore the whole year. LOL

Oh well - I'd rather be sore from working out than sore from having bad joints, clogged arteries, and heart/kidney/liver problems!!! (Not that I have those, but they are inevitable if I were to continue to gain weight).

4. Music

I also booked my first singing show in Toronto in a LONG while. I haven't sung in a show for so long, I wonder if I'll remember how haha. Singing at weddings (which I do often) is very different because it's more of a "background voice creating a romantic atmosphere". But this...I will be front and center, focus on andrea. Scary! But exciting. It's February 18th. So I have awhile to work on it before then!

Friday I will let you all know what I am eating. A couple of people thought I was starving myself, but I am far from that. A hint: I am eating very natural foods, portion-controlled, lots of veggies and fruit, nothing processed, and no sugar.

Friday, also, will be another "weigh-in" moment of truth, so I will let you know how much I weigh on Friday. Hopefully I will be on track with my 2 pounds per week (or more would be great!).

xo - andrea

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