Thursday, February 18, 2010

Gig tonight - down 12.2 pounds!

Well, I just wanted to let you all know that I'm performing at a showcase tonight in Toronto, and it's the first time I've really performed in a LONG WHILE. Last year was a real write-off for a lot of things, including my drive to do music. Tonight I'll be singing 5 original songs, and plus one of my favourite covers, "Summertime".

I'm VERY nervous, but even MORE excited. I feel good about myself (remember how I didn't want to weigh in the other day? It turns out, I'm down 12.2 pounds total! yay!), and I feel good about my music. I have a ton more energy, which I'll write to you about in another post.

I am also feeling a twinge of sadness that my mom and dad aren't here to share in my excitement. So many times over the last week or so I've gone to call my mom and then realized...she is not there. It is hard...and it's also disappointing feeling like everything "happy" in life, every achievement, every milestone, every excitement...will be tinged with some sadness because I'm missing them and wishing they were here to share in it.

Tonight..this is for you, Mom and Dad. I know you're smiling down on me...oh-so-proud.

xo - andrea

1 comment:

  1. I posted before that I lost my mom when I was a teenager. She was not there for my graduation, wedding or the birth of my son... At least she was not physically there. From what you have written I can tell that your parents did a wonderful job raising you, but also allowing you to find things out for yourself. That is what everyday without them is going to be. It is them standing back letting you discover the world for yourself. And your are right, they are proud that you can be proud of yourself.
