Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Oh brother. Well, last week was a bit of a write-off. I only had time to workout once, I didn't feel like eating at all, and it was just a hard week. Still no battery for my scale, so since I didn't go weigh-in with my program counselor, I don't know if I've lost or gained or stayed the same, but I FEEL pretty good this week, so I'm guessing I've maintained.

I DID go kickboxing last night - there was barely anyone there last night since it was a "holiday" (Family Day), but I did tell a very cute guy that he had really really nice arms. It was the first time I've ever seen him smile!

I will keep you posted! Sorry for being off-track. I better get my butt in gear. The second month of 2010 is over half-way done!

xo - andrea

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