Tuesday, February 23, 2010



Although one of the main reasons I want to lose weight is for my health, another VERY important reason is because of my music/singing. I want to reflect a good image - a healthy image. I will never be Brittany Spears thin, but I want to be on the low end of plus-sized modeling type of body structure. This will help me feel energetic on stage, confident both in front of people and when talking to them and representing myself as a singer, and more flexible in photo shoots and promotional materials.

I sang on Thursday night at "The Opera House" in Toronto. It felt SO AMAZING being on stage again. My acoustic guitar player was fantastic, as was my hand-drummer...we sounded good, and I know it. The industry reps really liked my voice, but they encouraged me to perform more, write some more songs that could be hits, and (after I mentioned the losing weight journey I am on), agreed that image is really important as well.

I've posted a few pictures of the gig.

I realized that this year has to be very very focused. i am pretty much the biggest procrastinator and chill person out there. I CAN work hard, and I have all my life in SOME aspects. But sometimes, when i have time off, it's hard for me to get into "work" mode, rather than "relax" mode. So....I have to really focus on writing music and losing weight. It really helps me when i write things down, I've found. Lists, of sorts. Then if they are not crossed off, I realize I haven't done what I needed to do in that day or week.

I really really really want to go somewhere with my music. There are SO many things I'd be good at. I could be a teacher, I could get into aesthetics, I could get into marketing or advertising. I'm smart, I'm pretty, I'm outgoing, I'm generally good with people. And I could make good money doing any of those things. HOWEVER...what I REALLY and TRULY want is to travel with my music. To be on Ellen and Oprah and Much Music. To travel the world and do gigs with a fantastic amazing band and fans loving and connecting with me and my music. And to sing a duet with Michael Buble (watch - it will happen).

I have to at least try. If when I turn 30 (in 2 years) it has not happened, and no one has caught on to my music, and industry reps are not interested still, after I have the fan base, an amazing album, and the performing experience.....I will step back and decide if this is what i really want.

But I have this sneaking suspicion about two things: 1. If I don't try with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength this year, I will always regret it and wonder if I could've been something great. And 2. If I DO put everything I have into it this year, it WILL go somewhere and i won't be disappointed.


  1. Andrea, you should do up a dream board if you haven't already. I can explain if you haven't (it's a great tool for your journey). Way to go girl!

  2. i know what you're talking about - and you're right, i should! i think more of a dream/goal book would work for me...but it's very time-consuming to make. so we'll see! lol
