Friday, February 5, 2010


Okay - so I did it!!! I was SOOO disappointed on Monday because I had gained 0.2 pounds over the weekend instead of losing some. But I lost 3 pounds from Monday til Wednesday, and then another 0.8 from Wednesday to today! I am now past my first 10 pounds=) I've lost a total of 10.8 pounds in 4 weeks!!!!

ONLY 89.2 pounds left to lose this year! (Sounds much better than 100, doesn't it???)

It's a nice healthy pace and I feel better. I am going kickboxing again tonight!

YAAAAAAAY. Now all that hard work measuring pecans for a serving of fat and cooking CONSTANTLY to get enough protein feels WORTH IT!

Oh - and remember how I told you my sister said I'd probably meet my husband at the gym? Well I'm not sure if I met my husband (hard to know after two sentences), but I had a really really sweet and nice run-in with a guy who just kept SMILING at me as I was leaving the gym. He was warm and sweet. We'll see if I ever bump into him again!

xo - andrea

PS. How is everyone doing on their health journey in 2010? If you haven't started, NOW IS THE TIME. What are you waiting for??


  1. keep going! you're doing amazing! you're a huge inspiration to all of us to persevere and overcome - that discipline and sacrifice are truly worth it in the end, and i know you're going to feel better and better about it as you go... this will end up transforming your life on more levels than just physically. we're cheering you on!
